River Clean Ups

We do monthly clean ups at a variety of locations throughout Ohio. Our most popular clean up locations are in Dayton, OH. and Springfield, OH. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with our clean up initiatives. 

What to expect: 

If you are wanting to volunteer, please follow us on facebook www.facebook.com/WaterSafeOH and click going on the specific clean up you are wanting to attend. If you do not have Facebook please email us at Brennan@watersafeohio.org or Text (260) 445-3515. 

Please make sure to bring old clothes and shoes that you do not mind getting dirty. If you are going to be kayaking, please bring all necessary safety equipment (Helmet and Life Jacket). If you need to borrow any equipment, please reach out to us ahead of time and we will try and provide it (First Come First Serve). 

All necessities for the clean up will be provided (gloves, trash bags, buckets, germ x, trash grabbers). 

We provide pizza and drinks after all of our clean ups as a way to show thanks for committing to helping make the rivers a better place. 

We also offer free intro kayaking lessons and have a surf session at the play waves after the clean up. Looking to try kayaking out for the first time? Or wanting to learn some new skills? Just ask one of us and we will get someone to work with you on what ever skill you wish to work on. 

Popular Meeting Locations: 

Springfield Museum of Art (Springfield Ohio)

107 Cliff Park Rd. Springfield, OH. 45504

RiverScape Metro Park (Dayton Ohio)

219 N. Jefferson St. Dayton OH. 45402 

(Street Parking Available on Jefferson St. and Monument Ave.)


All 2025 dates are TBD. We typically schedule clean ups two months in advance. 


If you have any questions please call or text (260)-445 3515 or email Brennan@watersafeohio.org and we will get back to you as soon as possible.